My goal was to breach the gap between contemporary photography and old masterpieces. These photo mosaics pay tribute to iconic artists who depicted females sensuality in their pieces. By recreating their artwork with my pictures, I’m creating a unique relationship between the tiles and bigger picture.
These are limited edition Diasec style prints. Please email me for more information at
Managed by Vogesang Gallery

Tribute to Modigliani: Reclining Nude

Tribute to Modigliani Seated Nude
Tribute to Leonardo Da Vinci: Mona Lisa Blow

Tribute to Picasso: Nude

Tribute to Roy Lichtenstein: Hot Dog


Tribute to Lichtenstein: Crying Girl

Tribute to Roy Lichtenstein: Happy Tears

Tribute to Alfred Cheney Johnston: Unknown Girl…

Tribute to Alfred Cheney Johnston: Jean Ackerman

Tribute to Picasso: Le Rêve

Tribute to Lichtenstein: Screaming Girl